We’ve had some reports from Members in recent days regarding scams targeting our Members. The scammers are calling our Members, advising they are from the Queensland Country Bank Fraud Department and that there has been some fraudulent activity on their account.

They say they are calling to assist them to recover their funds or their account is at risk. Some are requesting Members download an App (which allows remote access), or requesting the Member withdraw cash from their account and deposit into another Bank.

Queensland Country will never ask our Members to transfer funds in this way, download any additional apps or provide passwords or login details over the phone, by text or by email.

We are working hard to protect your funds, and encourage our Members to remain vigilant.

Please take extra care if you receive unsolicited calls from unknown callers, and never transfer cash to an unknown account or payee. If you are suspicious of the caller, hang up and call our contact centre directly.

If you suspect you have been a victim of fraud or if you have received a scam call, please contact us on 1800 075 078 or email info@queenslandcountry.bank